Good morning my lovely friends out there in cyber land. I hope this Sunday is going to be a beautiful one for you. It is a full moon Sunday and this time it is in Pisces, the sturgeon moon. Since I am a Pisces this moon can be very challenging in a variety of ways. But, that is a discussion for another time. Today I would like to highlight a recent addition to my spiritual practice that I would like to share with you. It is adopted from a beautiful Hawaiian spiritual practice called Ho'oponopono.
Ho'oponopono is a form of prayer that is used for blessing and healing. It is used for blessing ones food and drink, as well as healing oneself and others. It has four main steps or components. Step one: Repentance or taking responsibility for ones actions, words, thoughts, feelings and life. It is basically saying I'm sorry. It doesn't matter to whom you are sorry to. The essence of the energy is that you are sorry for any thing you have done to cause deres or harm in any way to the earth, animals, or other humans. It is the acknowledgment that you are taking responsibility for your actions, thoughts or judgments etc.
Step two: Forgiveness. Asking forgiveness once you are saying you're sorry. Truly being sorry for anything that can create an adverse energy. The idea here is that we are all connected energetically to everything else on the planet. Even if we do not directly harm or destroy, we are asking on behalf of the collective. The simple heart felt I'm sorry, followed by please forgive me, is very powerful.
Step three: Gratitude, or being thankful for everything.Thank you is another powerful statement that creates an energetic connection. It opens our heart to receive love, blessing and positive energy.
Lastly, step four: Love, saying I love you. Love is the most powerful energy in the universe. It is pure source energy. When we say I love you to something or someone, we give it life force energy. We are directing the power of source to them. So, you may ask how do I apply this in my daily life? One simple way is in blessing our food, water etc. before we eat it. To tell our food, I'm sorry for any bad or negative things that occurred to bring you to my plate. Forgive me for all that is involved by the taking of your life, including myself for you being here to nourish me. I am truly thankful for your gift to me and honor it with all my heart. I love you and bless you with the love of my heart and that of the universe. This simple process changes the energy dynamics and exchange with you and/or they. It is believed to change the energy signature to one of a more positive and beneficial nature. You can use this blessing as a prayer for healing as well. Try it first on yourself and see how it changes you as a person. By taking responsibility for all energetic exchanges, you take back your own power and know that you are a vital part of the universe, the planet and life. You can be in control of what feeds your heart and soul and also honor the life that is given to continue your own.
My prayer to all of you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you for all you have contributed to me and my life, I love you with all my heart and soul. May you find many blessings ahead of you in this life. Peace and love.
You are really an old soul Cody!! I love you too!!!