My Morning Meditation for August 20, 2016: Epic Fail

It's been almost, if not a week since I posted last. Epic fail on my part to continue this as a daily meditation. It was a valiant effort. But, I supposed my inner guru is not interested in routine and keeping to a specific schedule. My breakfast this morning was an interesting study in contrasts. Sliced heirloom tomatoes and deviled eggs. The humble but delicious tomato is a reminder of the earths plenty and how vegetables can really ground our energy. This is fitting as I have been craving these a lot this past week. I bought three different kinds of tomatoes at the grocery this week. My humble homage to the bounty of fresh summer goodness.

The deviled egg reminds me of the abrupt change from the norm. I don't make these that often. Usually perceived as tedious to make, especially in the morning. But, there again I saw two hard boiled eggs just waiting to be eaten and my inner guru said, be good to yourself today and make a nice treat. So, I did just that and it was such a delicious breakfast. So, simple and humble but oh so good.

My lesson in all of this, listen to your inner guru and be kind to yourself. If you listen to that inner voice it really can guide you to many levels of bliss and happiness. Sometimes it's the simple things that make us the most happy in that moment. Another lesson, take each moment as a gift. Today is a gift, my food is a gift, my heart is a gift everything is a gift if we choose to see it as such. I choose the path of gratitude, happiness and bliss. To purposefully recognize all the gifts in my life is my goal today. Happy Saturday my friends.


  1. Maybe you should try for a weekly review of your morning meditations and then you would only have to post once a week. It is really hard too if you think no one is reading your sage reflections! Hang in there and do what you want to do!!!


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