Unexpected Beauty

This mornings photograph was taken on an early morning walk. It seemed to appear out of nowhere in the front of an old church building with lots of cement around. There was a small patch of dirt with little bits of grass and these lovely Naked Lady lilies. I loved the color of them against the backdrop of the ivy on the side of the building.

What I found so interesting is the unexpected place in which I found them. Nestled in the middle of nothing. Nature finds a way of thriving in the most unlikely of places. Perhaps that can speak for how we as a species have learned to adapt to our environment. I even see how that has worked in my life as I have moved and adapted to being on my own and then finding my life partner. We adapt to our ever changing environment. Over the years I have learned how to see without relying on my physical sight capabilities of my eyes. Being legally blind has taught me how to adapt and look deeper into things on an intuitive scale. This has served me well as an artist and also as a survivor.

Stop and look for the beauty that exists in your unexpected places. It might surprise you. Peace.


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