Morning Meditation for August 11, 2016: Stormy Skies

This mornings images were captured on my way to work yesterday morning. I was impressed with the dramatic skies over the area where I live. It is another example of looking up to see there is something bigger than me in the world. I find skies so captivating. In addition to the skies I am also moved by the quality of the light and the interplay of the light and shadows.

In the final image, there is an old Catholic church in the background. It was damaged by fire a number of years ago and lost it's spires. Since that time it was decommissioned as a Catholic church and is now being refurbished by a new church community. The spires have been rebuilt and the church is beginning to come to life. Wouldn't it be nice if we could do this to ourselves? As I get older and my body begins to rebel I think how nice would it be to be rebuilt into a shiny new model. But, what would I loose besides the aches and pains? It is that which I perceive as a sad side effect of aging that perhaps provides the conduit for wisdom.

Thanks you for stopping by today. Happy Thursday. Peace.


  1. Great photos! I have a wide, expansive view of the sky from my kitchen window. I love watching!

  2. Great photos! I have a wide, expansive view of the sky from my kitchen window. I love watching!

  3. I love taking shots of the sky. They have been so expressive lately.


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