Morning Meditation August 7, 2016

Light is a very important element in photography. It helps to define the objects and in the case of color imaging, the tone, tint and vibrancy of the colors. Of course these can be altered in the post processing stage. This morning as I sat at my dining room table I noticed a shaft of light falling on my kitchen counter. I had to act quickly as the light moves and then disappears quickly. I took my Iphone and quickly captured some images of my coffee cup in the shaft of light.

I chose to include two different shots here as I couldn't decide which I favored most. I am reminded of the paintings of the old masters, how they used natural light to define the still life that they painted. It gives such a dramatic feeling to the scene. I love the fact that items in the background look as if they are beginning to disappear. The contrast between the light and dark intrigues me. A delicate balance that artists for centuries have observed. From this I contemplate the delicate balance between light and dark in many areas of my life. There needs to be a balance of both as it creates calm and equilibrium. I can place myself right in the middle of the see saw as the Buddhists say.

On a more technical note, I really enjoy using my phone to capture the images. Fortunately it has a 12 mega pixel sensor that can capture plenty of detail. I am not intending to blow these up to some enormous size. So, the phone camera gives me plenty to work with for most applications. However, I do love my bigger cameras too. But, I normally don't have those just laying around. The advantage to a phone camera is it is always with me or handy. The best camera is the one you have on you.

Well, that's is for now. Happy Sunday.


  1. I love the look of the old masters too! So much contrast was added to paintings when they started adding the dark shadows. Maybe I should get an I-phone. love the daily photos and thoughts!


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