When the world seems crazy

This morning it is a beautiful and very warm fall day in October. The sun is streaming through my home studio window in back of my work table. Lately I have been playing around with some very personal ideas for art works that involve channeling energies and directing them like using a recipe.

The above image is what is currently on my work table. I start each creative session with a morning meditation or meditation even if it's midnight. But, there is something about the mornings that are so magical to me. I have been feeling a lot of angst about the world events and current climate politically in this country. How divisive everything seems to be. What has been dwelling on my mind is how this is supposed to be a time of spiritual ascension and unity. I am a sensitive and can feel energy. I know that may be shocking or new to some of you. But, there you have it. That is why I have been feeling compelled to create works that are like energy transmitters to send out positive energy, vibes and thoughts. Give each person the chance to see their true divine selves and the light of the creator in them. It has become my mission of sorts.

But, I digress. I have been feeling really out of it lately and started to rant and whine at the universe. As if on cue, this arrangement just happened on my table. I looked at it and it struck me that I was being reminded of who I am. I am a reflection of source, the creator, God or whatever you call that energy The message was loud and clear to me. Don't focus on the outer, but rather the true nature of who I am. I feel guided to share this and also to share my creative visions with those who it resonates with. That is the other key to this message. If it doesn't resonate, if it creates fear than it isn't from the divine source of love. Leave it alone and let it go. I see so many of my friends express such anger, hatred and angst over the political issues of our time. Yet, I can't help but feel that all true changes comes from within each of us. We can't fight negative energy with negative energy and thoughts. You can't kill hate with more hate.

So, I am doing my part by exacting the change I want to see in the world, in me. Praying for peace, living in peace, praying for kindness, living in kindness, praying for love, living in the state of love and letting that light shine unto the world. Isn't that what the true essence of the Christ message? Love one another, do not judge, we are all one in the eyes of source. When I live here in this place, I am happy, peaceful and feel so much love. I invite you all to come and share space with me in this beautiful place. Peace and light to one and all.


  1. You are such a good person! I am so far behind you I am afraid I will have to live many more lives.


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