
Allies are a good thing in this third dimensional reality. They support, protect and sometimes guide us on our daily journey. Coming in many forms, allies stick by our side. Sometimes they can be quiet teachers. This morning as I sipped my morning coffee, I noticed my pair of glasses sitting on my dining table. This is one of my strongest daily allies. They support my need to see. It was interesting how the light appeared through the pair of lenses. Took out the camera phone and snapped. Now, this image is a bit tweaked to give it a dreamy feel. But, I must say it was interesting to take this whilst not wearing said glasses.

The scene reminded me of the lenses we use in life. Both, literal and figurative to filter or augment our reality. This particularly set are needed to aid in seeing my world more "clearly". But, as a person whom is legally blind that is debatable. There are other lenses however, we use to judge or gauge the world around us. These can be ones of political views, spiritual views etc. It gave me pause to think about these lenses and their role in my daily life. Are they good, bad or neutral? Only I can really make that determination.

What are the lenses you use in your daily lives? Do they serve you in a positive way? Something to think about in this very polarized world. Have a great day one and all. Peace.


  1. That is interesting Cody! I think some of my lenses are like my glasses for closeup work. I can always see the details but sometimes miss the bigger picture. I try not to get bogged down in detail but it can be so hard to take that step back. Peace Cody

    1. Karen, sometimes it just takes practice to train our brains to see things in a different way. The second part is willingness to follow through.

  2. Yes. Yes. Yes. Not only is your image beautiful - your thoughts provoke me to think more deeply about those lenses. Thank You Cody.

    1. PB, Iam grateful that my words caninspire you and others to think deeper. Life is so full of amazing insights and understanding if we choose to allow oursleves to see it.


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