Morning Meditation for August 13. 2016: One Week

Well, I made it to one week of posting on the new blog. I have to say it isn't easy. Today for example I didn't feel as if I had anything to say or share. The weather has been hot humid and a bit overcast. This always makes me feel sluggish both in body and mind. Also, I am planning out my next assignment for the photography class I am taking. It will be a two part assignment and it is taking a bit of planning and research. I want to be as purposeful as I can constructing these images. Yes, I did say construct them as they are going to be elaborate still life's based on a very old theme. What makes it for me is that I am going to create a more autobiographical feel in the elements that I use in each image. Can't say too much yet as I want it to be a kind of surprise for my class.

So, this mornings post is about preparation. I decided to try out a new recipe that I have been meaning to make for quite some time. They are muffin sized vegetable fritatas. So, I engage in the chopping of the vegetables, the mixing of the egg and milk mixture combining it all with cheese and herbs. It takes a bit of planning to get it all together.

Once everything comes together it is baked until set and lightly browned. Ta da, the finished morsel is ready to consume once it has sufficiently cooled. That is my hope for my upcoming production days for my next assignment. Hopefully the planning and research will pay off to produce meaningful images.

Hope you have a great weekend and find something to be passionate about. Peace.


  1. Planning is a good one to reflect on. Sometimes the hardest part of making the quilt is planning and getting all the stuff together and cut before you can even sew! Have a great Weekend!


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